Sep 30, 2015
Funding the baby butchers vs. Guv'ment slowdown...easy choice. Plus, the strange devolution of Rand Paul 2016, and what happens to all the conservatives once they get elected with Drew Ryun of the Madison Project. Inside Politics with Daniel Horowitz of Conservative Review. Is it time for Ted Cruz to go nuclear on the GOP?
Sep 29, 2015
A little birdie's snap-shot assessment predicts Iowa's top 3 2016 contenders. As McConnell & Hacks refuse to defund Planned Parenthood, Cruz reveals "why Boehner really resigned." It's time to conservatives really want to win.
Sep 28, 2015
Cruz wins the Values Voter Summit Straw Poll...again. Obama states it outright: religious liberty must be sacrificed to the rainbow jihad. Bitter John Boehner is bitter. Jeffrey Lord joins us to discuss Boehner's resignation, Trump's new tax plan, and more. Will Donald Trump and Ben Carson block each other in Iowa?
Sep 25, 2015
"Ding-dong, the Boehner's gone!" That's the good news...but what impact will it have on policy and 2016? Plus, the politics of the Pope's visit to Congress: what he did (and did not) say.
Sep 23, 2015
The rise and fall of Scott Walker...the 9 ways Walker completely misread the 2016 environment.
Sep 17, 2015
Our team's in-depth analysis of last night's GOP Debate. An update on the future of the Steve Deace Show. Former Trump advisor Sam Nunberg joins us with some post-debate thoughts. Who won and lost on the debate stage, and how it impacts the 2016 field.
Sep 16, 2015
Do faith and science conflict? Worldview Wednesday looks at "Understanding Genesis" with Dr. Jason Lisle. Tonight's GOP debate preview, and Steve's last minute advice to all candidates. Two minutes of audio from Ted Cruz that is hopefully the start of a trend.
Sep 16, 2015
How the Donald is Trumping the liberal media. Not the election we need, but the election we deserve. Katrina Pierson on Trump's latest mega-rally last night. U.S. Congressman Tim Huelskamp with an update on defunding Planned Parenthood.
Sep 15, 2015
Rick Perry drops out. Ted Cruz wins FreedomWorks' straw poll going away. It's Bernie Sanders world right now. The 3 questions that should be asked of every GOP candidate at Wednesday's debate. Where things stand in Iowa's caucuses right now.
Sep 12, 2015
Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal joins us."Never forget..." though we're afraid we already have. The truth and consequence of the Iran "deal." Sorry, Trumpkins-- Donald won't win evangelicals in Iowa. Larry Pratt of Gunowners of America shares their Presidential endorsement for 2016. Strong words from Cruz at the rally to stop the Iran deal.
Sep 11, 2015
Bobby Jindal is the latest to take on Donald Trump. Will he be the one to stop the Trump-mentum? Why we love football. Congressman Mark Meadows on his bid to rid us of Speaker Boehner once and for all. Theology Thursday with Todd Friel.
Sep 10, 2015
"I'm a Christian, But..." and other impossibilities. Don't take the bait and keep your focus on the real enemy, which is not each other. Ed Martin of Eagle Forum sizes up the 2016 field. Blowing up the false religion of global warming.
Sep 9, 2015
After prayer (and public pressure), Kim Davis is released. Weekend news & views including the GOP candidates on Kim Davis and religious liberty, what could be the most profitable movie of 2015, and Biden 2016 gaining steam?